In 2022, UGA Research published a photo essay highlighting my Striped Newt research: Tracking the life cycle of Georgia's striped newts
Update on a component of my dissertation research that was supported in 2021 by a grant from The Orianne Society: What happens to a tiny salamander once it is released into the wild?
In 2020, I made a brief animated video, aimed at upper elementary grades and above, as part of ComSciCon Atlanta 2020: What Do Herpetologists Do?
In several years I have participated in STEMzone, a graduate-student-led science outreach event that brings fun and hands-on science learning to UGA home football game attendees. UGA Today provided coverage of the 2019 event (keep an eye out for the photo of me introducing a cornsnake to a new young friend): STEMzone introduces Bulldog Nation to research
In 2017 I was a SICB student journalism intern, interviewing a researcher about work presented at the annual conference and consulting with editors to produce a science communication article: Artificial noise: an innovative approach to bird conservation and management
In 2017, a colleague interviewed me as a featured scientist for her blog. You can read a bit about what I love about science, here.
In 2016 while I was conducting part of my master's research at Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Audubon Sanctuary, volunteer Steve Jerant came out for a visit to learn about my research and feature it on the Jackson (MI) Audubon blog. You can see the pics he captured of me "in action": Research at Haehnle Sanctuary